The Dangers of Sports Creams
Labels: health, sports creams 0 commentsAre you somebody who reaches for the Bengay or IcyHot when you or your child is sore as a result of sore muscles? Sure, these sports creams have been around for what seems like forever and are fairly harmless, right? That isn't exactly true. Think twice before doing this the next time.
Most of these sports creams contain the ingredient called methyl salicylate. In large amounts (through the skin) this can cause bleeding, heart arrhythmias, and damage to the liver.
Arielle Newman, a 17-year-old cross country runner at Notre Dame Academy in New York died from an overdose of sports creams. Although rare, experts say this is very real and suggest the following:
- Follow the label directions. For instance the label on Bengay says do not use more than 3-4 times a day.
- Use occasionally and not regularly. These products build up in the body.
- Only use a small amount and only when you absolutely need it.
- Do not apply to an open wound or broken skin.
- Do not use on children.
See more of Arielle Newman's story here.
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